:Base rplmgr.hlp :Title Remoteboot Manager Help :Index Remoteboot Manager Help=rplmgr.hlp 1 Remoteboot Service Overview 2 What Is the Remoteboot Service?=wirs_how_rbm 2 Starting and Stopping the Remoteboot Service=ssrs_how_rbm 2 Checking the Remoteboot Installation=cri_how_rbm 1 Manage Profiles 2 Creating a Profile=cp_how_rbm 2 Changing a Profile=chp_how_rbm 2 Deleting a Profile=dp_how_rbm 1 Manage Remoteboot Workstations 2 Enabling Remoteboot on a Workstation's Hard Disk=erwhd_how_rbm 2 Viewing an Adapter Record=var_how_rbm 2 Adding a New Workstation Manually=anwm_how_rbm 2 Adding a New Workstation Automatically=anwa_how_rbm 2 What You See on the Workstation=wysw_how_rbm 2 Changing a Workstation Record=cwr_how_rbm 2 Deleting a Workstation=dw_how_rbm 1 Back Up the Remoteboot Database 2 Backing Up the Remoteboot Database=burd_how_rbm 2 Restoring the Remoteboot Database=rrd_how_rbm 1 Remoteboot Menu Commands 2 New Workstation=HC_RPL_MENU_NewWksta 2 New Profile=HC_RPL_MENU_NewProfile 2 Convert Adapters=HC_RPL_MENU_ConvertAdapter 2 Copy=HC_RPL_MENU_Copy 2 Delete=HC_RPL_MENU_Delete 2 Properties=HC_RPL_MENU_Properties 2 Set Focus=HC_RPL_MENU_SetFocus 2 Exit=HC_RPL_MENU_Exit 1 View Menu Commands 2 All Workstations=HC_RPL_MENU_ViewAll 2 Workstations in Profile=HC_RPL_MENU_ViewProfile 2 Refresh=HC_RPL_MENU_Refresh 1 Configure Menu Commands 2 Fix Security=HC_RPL_MENU_CheckSecurity 2 Check Configurations=HC_RPL_MENU_CheckConfigs 2 Backup Database=HC_RPL_MENU_BackupDatabase 1 Options Menu Commands 2 Confirmation=HC_RPL_MENU_Confirmation 2 Save Settings on Exit=HC_RPL_MENU_SaveSettingsOnExit